Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Thanks Peeps!

This May asked me not to post so much about SJ and post more educational blogs like I used to. Thing is she also too busy to read my blog le nowadays. She is no longer that eng eng lim kopi secretary she used to be.

So anyway, my Twitter account hit 10400 followers~! Thanks people for following me and reading my nonsense.. but I would really appreciate if followers don't go around finding me on Facebook and Instagram and even my Kakaotalk. It's kinda... creepy. XD

And then I got this message on KKT which kind freaked me out. The person said something like "hi I am a fan too... "

So I asked her how she found my KKT id but she didn't tell me.. then I told her that sorry I don't talk to people I don't know on KKT and then she kinda disappeared.

A few days later she messaged me again about something I forgot what and I blocked her.

Not that I am trying to be mean but .... KKT is kinda private....

Oh and someone ever told me that my blog appears right on top on google if you search Mikolah. HAHAHAHA That means people will find my blog too.

But that's ok. My blog has nothing to hide. XD

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