Saturday, June 18, 2011

Top 5 Regrets

I saw on Yahoo the survey they did on the Top 5 regrets people have when they are on their deathbeds. I think it's interesting to know so that we will avoid the regrets now. Rather than crying on our deathbeds thinking about the things we haven't done...

1: I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This the top regret the people have in life. Live a life that is true to yourself. I have seen many people not doing things that are true to themselves and it is very sad. At the end of the day, they will look back and realised that they should have pursued their dreams. Regardless of fail or success at least you tried.

I have learnt opera, learnt gezaixi, yueju and liyuanxi. I think I will not have regrets in this area. Oh, and I wanna get a diving license. I must get to it too.

'It is important that we achieve some of our dreams along the way. We often put off trying for our dreams due to a myriad of reasons. Before we know it, we would have lost our health and therefore, our chance to attain them.

If your dream is to start a business, get to it. If it's to learn how to dance or try sky diving, book a class. If you want to make music, pick up a guitar.

Don't put it off any longer.'

2: I wish I didn't work so hard.

It was said that this is a common regret among the males who didn't get to spend enough time with their family. Sometimes this can't be help, we need money to make ends meet but still, do try to make some time for youself or for your family. Understand why you do what you need to do. Is it for your family? Or for your personal achievments? For me, working and making money is to sustain my expensive opera hobby. LOL..

3: I wish I had the courage to express my feelings

Copied from the article..

Hands up anyone who has suppressed their feelings in order to avoid potential embarrassment or argument.

Avoiding arguments is good for a harmonious life, but the problem comes when we take it too far. When we blindly follow the opinions of someone more assertive just to avoid arguments, we’re shortchanging ourselves.

While it’s understandable that we use Twitter and blogging to rant about things we are unhappy with, do remember that talking about it face-to-face is always a more sincere option.

So if an issue is major enough, try approaching the person for an honest and frank chat. We’re not saying that the talk will be smooth sailing, but your relationships will emerge stronger and healthier.

4:4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

With Facebook and handphones, I don't really have a problem keeping contacts with my friends. I think I will not have a regret in this area.

It’s easy to lose touch with good friends. A busy lifestyle can take away time from the ones you love. This is where technology comes in.

With services like Facebook, WhatsApp and Yahoo! Messenger, it’s easy to keep tabs on old friends. Talking to friends is so effortless today that we have no reason to let staying in touch with friends take a backseat.

At the end of the day though, nothing beats chatting over a cup of coffee. So always remember to occasionally take things offline and catch up with your friends the old fashioned way.

5: I wish that I had let myself be happier.

No matter what challenges you have, stay happy~ Everything will be solved at the end of the day. It's not gonna be the end of the world.

Take a moment and enjoy life. If difficulties come your way, remember that pain is inevitable but wallowing in misery is always optional.

Choose to be happy.


Kongming said...

i wish i have e brain to do better in whatever i doing now

Anonymous said...

My greatest regret is that I didn't manage to bring my parents to Universal Studios