My first book. I remember that I bought it at the airport and I think I was in primary 1 or 2. It is the first book that I ever requested my father to buy. My mum kept asking me to throw it away but I think it has sentimental values. :)

LOL.. I was so into that book that I started suspecting there were witches among us.
Then there was this Bookworm club. I am not sure if you guys ever heard of it but I was a subscriber and the Bookworm club member. I had lots of their books in the past and my first set of encyclopedia was from them. My 2nd encyclopedia was from my father which was one about animals. I was so fascinated with the animals in the encyclopedia I think I memorised the whole book by heart. I was amazed that such weird animals exist.
When I was a kid, my mum likes to bring me to my uncle's home where there isn't any entertainment so I flipped my uncle's books but they were too chim. The only ones with pictures were the National Geographic magazines. The words were too chim for me, I was in Primary school I think but I love the pictures. Now, I am a fan of NGC as well as Discovery. (Went Borders to find Discovery magazine but they don't have!!)
Nobody in my family likes reading and they didn't tell me to read. I just got the habit myself and I am glad that I did. If not I would have missed out so much. Then in my teenage years, I started reading Fear Street, horror novels. I can read day and night even while I am bathing! I finish one book in a few hours time.
Then there was a period when I was around 17, I love Ni Kuang's Wei Si Li series. I read so many of his novels!! No less than 30 I think. He has write about 100 plus books but it is very difficult now to find one that I haven't read before.
When I was about 18, I started going crazy for comics because my buddies (all guys) love comics. I read a few sets, Slamdunk being my favourite. Then I read Deathnotes recently, Kindaichi.. etc. But comics are expensive. At that time I bought Slamdunk at $4.50 per book but I think the price has gone up. My mum keeps wanting to throw my slamdunk away but I won't let her!
Now, I no longer have a favourite author. I like Harry Potter but Harry Potter only has 7 books. I like Lemony Snicket but they are for kids. Still, I think they are mega funny. What else... Cant remember. I now pick up books from the library randomly because I don't know which is good. I have very weird taste in books. Roald Dahl is SO GOOD but he don't have alot of books and I already finished those that he has written. His books are dark but I like.. :)
I am happy to have read those books and not missed them out during my childhood. I seriously miss those days where a good story can make my day!
Here are some of the first few books of my life~!

Your post brings back some of my childhood memories. I also like to read Enid Blyton's books. My first book of hers was a story in the Famous Five series.
Her books gave us a lot joy in those days.
Yah.. I have lots of Enid Blyton in the past but my mum made me throw away most of them. I know the Famous 5 but I have never read them! :D I was more into the fantasy type with gnomes and pixies etc.
Have u read Roald Dahl's? His books were really amazing too!
I prefer mystery, thrillers and horror.
I only a couple of Roald Dahl's books, but they didn't leave me much impression.
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