Nick didn't want to go at first because going will means having to PR with many people but I told him that PR is good for our company and good for himself too. He got a very strong urge to tell me that we don't go but in the end we still went. I think he didn't regret going too.
Mark Lee and Flying Dutchman was the host for that night. I took a photo of the stage but I think can't see their faces la.

Everyone also recieved a doorgift that day but that doorgift is a box of tools for wine. I don't drink so I don't have much use for all those things. I gave it to my father but I doubt he has uses for them too.
That night event was not bad, quite interesting and they played a few games which I think were quite funny. We can take note of them and use them in future.
The food was very nice but we didn't eat alot. LOL, cuz prior to going for the dinner, I was at Nick's home and we were 2 very desperately hungry people so Nick cooked instant noodle for both of us. We happily ate and after that we were abit too full for the dinner. Hahaha. A bit silly I know... We even went supermarket to buy vegetables to cook instant noodles.
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