Wednesday, January 07, 2015

SS6 in Seoul

I went to Seoul back in September for Super Show 6~~~

The concert was so awesome and funny but there was ONE big disappointment. Sigh.... Sad to say, they have removed Henry and Zhoumi in most of the parts. Like in Super Show 5, there were many parts which Zhoumi and Henry took part in, it was fun, it was like one big family! I love how they included these 2. Then in SS6, they removed them. It would have been so awesome if HenMi were in the Frozen Contest segment!!! I really want to see that but oh well....

Then SJM only got one song...



Henry and Zhoumi had to wait so long to perform one freaking song. >< Ok then Zhoumi and Henry had their solo stages but that only means 2 songs for each of them after waiting in the waiting room for the whole night.


And then at the end of the concert of the 2nd night, Henry was so sad. He was soooooo sad, it was so obvious. He couldn't smile, couldn't hide his sad eyes. Heechul held his hand and Siwon hugged him to console him. UGHHHH......


Here is a fancam of him being all emo...

HURRRRRR... T___________T

Disappointment aside, the solo stages are really awesome in SS6!!!

LOL my favourite was Siwon's. I didn't expect him to do this.

So freaking weird and random.

But that's why I love him, weirdo siwon.

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