I will be no longer lonely now because I bought PSP~
You cannot trust men, cannot trust friends but you can trust PSP to be with you when you need it most. It will be your best friend providing with all the entertainment you need.
Now I can dump yx already. I don't need him anymore because he sucks and PSP rocks!

Look at the range of colours available.. Guess which colour I bought?
It's pink of course.

Pink is just so sweet....
What PSP can do:
-play games of course
-play movies
-play mp3
-surf net
-display photos
Cost: $384 including 4gb memory stick.
I put in some MTVs of Jay Chou already and some Southpark cartoons so that I can watch in the MRT.
When I got time I want to put in some more movies to watch but that will take me some time.
YX is really stupid lor, I can't stand him. He promised to give me psp like 6 months ago but he never did it. Always give me some excuses to why he didn't bring his psp. I got so fed up with him I bought my own.
When I gotta dump him, I gotta dump him.
Hahaha that reminded me, Ang told me yesterday that I got such good 'tiao jian' that I won't have a problem getting men.
My god.. never expected ang to say that but I felt flattered.. :P
wat ang said is true wat.
u mao ru tian xian, wen wu shuang quan...
hah! You don't por me lor!~
if u donate money to my bank acc, i will por u lor :P
of cos men cannot be trusted.
but hor, women also cannot be trusted.
know what can be trusted?? My beloved PSP! Yay.. It will not walk out on me lor. And what else? Money! Yay... Money grow in banks. And what else? PS2! TonBerry! woot~
there are also men who are very one-hearted and 'chang qing'.
Issit.. i can't see lor. All I see is fickle minded men. Men who like to promise alot initially then forgot what they said.
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